Alternative Family Living (AFL): is a housing option for people who want to live in a family setting. An individual lives with a family in a private residence, with or without other people with disabilities, and the family serves as a natural support system, meeting needs that may arise.
Funding source: Innovations Waiver Services
Community Living and Supports (CLS): This service provides support to individuals in their home and community. CLS can be used to enhance a number of different skills including activities of daily living (ADLs), community safety skills, and socialization. The service can also be used for monitoring health and safety and assisting with personal care needs.
Funding sources: Innovations Waiver Services; 1915i/B3 Services; State Funded Services
Community Navigator Services provide support to individuals in developing social networks and connections within local communities. The purpose of the service is to promote self-determination, increase independence, and enhance the individual’s ability to interact with and contribute to his or her local community. Available to individuals with Employer of Record (EOR) Waiver and Agency With Choice (AWC).
Funding source: Innovations Waiver Services
Community Networking provides access to activities that help the participant integrate with the community at large and learn to develop relationships with individuals who do not have a disability. Community Networking is only used to support individuals in integrated community settings, or non-integrated classrooms.
Funding source: Innovations Waiver Services
Respite provides periodic support and relief to a participant’s primary caregiver so that the caregiver may attend to errands, spend time with other members of the family, or participate in events. Respite may include services in or outside of the participant’s home. (This service is only for the individual, not for any siblings or other family members.)
Funding sources: Innovations Waiver Services, 1915i/B3 Services, State Funded Services
Supported Employment provides support to adults looking for permanent employment in the community. Services include coaching, training, one-on-one support, and long-term follow along.
Funding sources: Innovations Waiver Services, 1915i/B3 Services, State Funded Services
Supported Living is a residential service for individuals who live on their own, but still need support. Services are available to people who reside in a home or apartment which they own or lease.
Funding sources: Innovations Waiver Services, State Funded Services